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5 Tips for forming global citizens

In one of our last articles, we were explaining the importance of about the importance of STEAM education, and what the long-term benefits are. The importance of raising your children as global citizens cannot be overemphasized, but what are some ways to actually do it? Even when your children are young and you make the decision to help them become globally aware, how do you achieve this goal?

What is global citizenship?

Global citizenship is how we understand about the social, environmental, and economic actions of people and communities who know that every person is a citizen of the world. It’s about how decisions made in one part of the planet can affect people living in a different part; and how we all share a common humanity and have equal value. It means being open to engaging positively with other identities, cultures, and being able to recognize and question stereotypes. It is also about how we use and share the Earth’s resources fairly and defend the human rights of all.

What does it mean to be a global citizen?

A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the world at large – and their place in it. They are citizens of the world. They take an active role in their community and work with others to make our planet more peaceful, sustainable, and fair.

Examples of global citizenship

Global citizenship involves:

  • Explore local and global connections and our views, values, and assumptions.

  • Explore social justice issues locally and globally.

  • Explore the complexity of global issues and engage with multiple perspectives.

  • Applying learning to real-world issues and contexts.

  • Opportunities to act in an informed way, reflect and make your voice heard.

How to train our children for a globalized world?

Here are five tips to help you build global citizens.

1. Read, and then read some more

Reading provides numerous benefits to your children. It helps them learn to empathize, teaches them how to tell stories, learn multiple languages, and if you are deliberate in what you choose to read with them, reading can pave the way for them to become global citizens.

If global citizenship is one of your goals, choose stories for your children that have the following characteristics:

  • Set in different countries.

  • Talk about different cultures, traditions, and customs.

  • Have diversity in characters.

2. Volunteering

Volunteering helps your children learn to use their voice to improve both the local and global community.

Service learning is beneficial because it teaches children to lend a hand and teaches them their civic responsibility.

3. Teach your children another language

Learning multiple languages not only improves your children’s memory, but also teaches them problem-solving and critical thinking, improves their concentration, helps them learn to multitask, and fosters great listening skills.

These are the qualities the majority of employers are looking for. Learning multiple languages also helps your children connect with others globally.

4. Travel is essential to raising global citizens

In the beautiful words of St. Augustine: “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

To truly be aware and understand the world, your children need to experience it firsthand.

Whether in the city or in the jungle, locally or internationally, in the developed or developing world, these types of trips help your children foster life skills such as cooperation, service, and interpersonal communication, as well as build a connected community through the appreciation and understanding of different cultures and environments.

When your children travel – especially when it’s with their school – they become independent, collaborative, and develop personal skills.

5. Enroll your children in an international school

An international school like AIB and AID incorporates into its curriculum language, service learning, international-mindedness, travel, and the importance of reading, all of which have been noted above as integral to raising a global citizen.

In an international school, diversity is at the heart of everything. Pupils, teachers, support staff and the parent community come from all walks of life.

Global citizenship education

For AIB and AID, global citizenship is about encouraging young people to develop the knowledge, skills and values they need to engage with the world. The belief that we can all make a difference.

Global citizenship education is not an add-on subject, but a learning framework that goes beyond school and extends to the wider community. It can be promoted in class through the existing curriculum or new initiatives and activities.

If you are interested in learning more about our academic offerings for the upcoming school year, including Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4, Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.